Printable Christian Life Planner - Floral Design
This undated Christian Planner printable in a floral design will help you do more than organize your daily schedule. It also helps support your spiritual life while inspiring you with carefully selected scriptures on the calendar overlay pages.
While this is an undated planner, it's designed to accommodate 12 months of the year.
This Christian Living Planner Includes:
Monthly Calendar: Undated, 2 page spread; Different scriptures at top of each calendar page
Monthly Overview: Highlight the month’s important events, personal/spiritual goals, what you’re reading in your Bible, what you’re studying, what you’re praying about and what you’re confessing
Day Planner Worksheet: 5am-10pm hourly planner, a space for “getting things done,” scripture of the day; space for noting the days blessing(s)
Heart Dump - Write down those things nagging your spirit that you need to schedule time to pray about
Prayer Sheet for you to write out your prayers, keeping a record of them so you can see when they are answered.
Notes Sheet - to be used for taking notes during Bible study, during church services or general note taking
Prefer a more neutral design? Check out out the Neutral Christian Life Planner
This is a digital product. No physical product will ship.